Friday, January 25, 2008

Decorating Green - Air Purifying Plants

Who wants to spend money on an air purifier and use more energy when you can have some green in your life? Here's a list of some plants that help purify the air. Green living is not about just changing your light bulbs, it's also about making your living environment safe and livable for your family too. Give them as gifts, as hostess presents, get well presents, whatever you can give them away for, please do!

A good rule of thumb - one plant for every 100 square feet of living space. Personally, I could only NOT kill one. But these plants are also pretty easy to take care of too!

Aglaonema sp. Chinese Evergreen

Aloe barbabensis Aloe Vera, Burn plant

Chlorophytum comosum Spider Plants

Epipremnum sp. Golden Pothos

Ficus sp. Ficus
Gerbera sp. Gerbera Daisy

Hedera sp. Common English Ivy
Philodendron sp. Heart leaf philodendron

Some of these are poisonous, be very very careful of your pets and your small children. Aloe is a great soothing plant for cuts, scrapes, bruises, etc...

Aloe can be grown in your bathroom (we used to do that when I was little on a shelf above a window), ficus can sit in a corner and you can spread your plants throughout your home. Or you can bunch them up together so you don't forget to water one! Whatever you decided to plant, please choose something that will help you live better and make you feel like you've chosen the right plant for your home and family.

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