Amidst the clothes piles and piles of towels and crappola, and my husband's dead father's ashes (Yes, gross, I know but I'm not sure how to explain an urn in our bedroom and if we had it in the living room I feel like we'd get more questions) I have an amazingly wonderful bed where I can fall asleep at any time. Seriously, I'm known for taking naps at 11 in the morning and even at 6 at night. It's all because of my wonderful bed.
Ok, it's because of the down featherbed,
the flannel sheets,
the Laura Ashley pillows
and my soft blankie from Target.
Nothing really matches by labels, but that's ok - you gotta take what you can get and let me tell you, I'm giving that Shabby Chic blanket from Target to my mother-in-law for her birthday. I "let" her use it when she stayed for Thanksgiving and I seriously thought she was going to steal it from me!

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